
Life As Art

introspective practices meditation nature nervous system presence self development Jan 07, 2023

Our natural world moves and shifts in divine harmony. The abundant diversity is part of what makes these elegant shifts beautiful and possible. Think of the trees, with their dancing limbs, and colorful leaves. Think of the sky, moving from light to dark. Think of the seasons, each bringing a variety of ways for life on this planet to be expressed.

We are a part of the natural world, not separate from it, and our unique aspects enrich the collective whole. We are representatives of the abundant diversity, each of us holding a valued, needed facet of the ways life manifests. Individually we represent an aspect of all that is possible. When we come together, we co-create an expansive, cohesive existence. Our differences become like glue, binding us to a unified goal of harmony with all that is.  

Society is constructed in such a way that we learn to fear differences, to hide differences, and to seek out ways to divorce ourselves from such differences. In my work as a MindBody Integration Specialist, I often hear clients share an experience of ‘not fitting in’ and/or feeling pathologically unique. I see the struggle and challenge of embodiment when one doesn't feel ‘good enough’ or appreciative of their innate perfection. 

I invite you to explore the idea that the contrast between you and those around you is what makes you unique and special. The very difference that you fear exposing is exactly what needs to be shared and seen. Who you are, your experience and insight, your strengths and struggles, matter. The sensation that influences you to withhold yourself is no longer needed. You are welcome here. You are wanted here. You are valued here.

I think of our collective life experience as an evolving piece of art. Just through existing, we each inform an aspect of this art. Our light and dark colors and energies are ever in flux, influenced by what else is around. There is a continuous merging and blending, moving between the foreground and background, casting shadows and bringing forth light. That is contrast in action, liberating us from a singular experience while expanding our human capacities.

The next time you find yourself experiencing your difference, noticing how you contrast, I invite you to take a breath. Breathe into it. Notice what comes up - maybe a memory, a sensation of shame, a desire to run and hide. Welcome all of it and know that in that moment, you are creating art. You are connecting with your truth and this enhances the beauty of your human expression. It ripples out in all directions, like a fresh drop of watercolor paint. Choosing to embrace and embody the realness of yourself in the moment is your path to wholeness and your contribution to the ever evolving art piece that we call life. 

Rachel Elizabeth 

MindBody Integration Specialist


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